Wednesday, November 5, 2014

In A Hurry

Hey guys so sorry I missed a day for posting... I thought I might go at least a week without something like that happening, but oh well.
So, I'm actually about to head out to Awana in like 15 minutes and I have other stuff to do so this is probably gonna be short.
So basically, here's a picture.
Hope you can read that. Bye!!

Monday, November 3, 2014


Okay,  because of some recent conversations I've had with my friends where we tell jokes (like, all of them) I decided to post a joke for you today.
Let me be clear, my idea of a 'funny' joke, is pathetic, and probably nothing like yours. But hey, maybe you can laugh at me or something. Does it really matter, so long as you laugh?
I'm apologizing in advance here.
Q. What did one lawyer say to the other lawyer?
Wait for it...wait for it....
"We're both lawyers!!!!!!"!!!!
I'm okay.
Well, that depends on your definition of 'okay', but you get my point.
Please don't stop reading my blog because of this.
I'll try to resist in the future, unless I get requests for more jokes. 
Comment your best jokes! Maybe I could use them...

Newest Episode

So we watched the newest episode of doctor who last night... of course, being the first part of the finale, it left us hanging...
I won't spoil anything for you, but before you watch it, prepare yourself.
Have fun.

I have to say, I liked The Doctor played by Capaldi better in this episode though, he seemed a little kinder, (just so you know, I previously hated him. Still do at times)
Clara was...well, I'll let you find out for yourselves.
It's really hard not just to say everything I'm thinking about that episode, but because I'm nice, I won't.
For now.
In future, if I ever get so excited(or mad) by an episode, that I have to rant about it, I will put Spoilers in the title so that unless you have a weird desire to spoil the show for yourself, you can avoid it.

Sunday, November 2, 2014



This is a picture I took of the rain on the window of our car today, on the way home from church. Isn't it gorgeous?
So, the topic of today's post; My mom knitted me a TARDIS scarf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'M IN LOVE WITH IT!!!!!! She used a pattern she found on pinterest, and she knitted it from the fabric of time and space. (AKA yarn)
It's very soft and comfy and TARDIS-y.
You're welcome for making you jealous with this post.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Keep Coming Back!

Just to let you know, I'll be trying to do at least one post everyday. Because of, you know, life, this may not happen, but I'll do my best!

Another Verse

2 Timothy 1:7-8
For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline. So do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord or of me his prisoner. But join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God.

This verse is encouraging to me, because it reminds me that God helps us and has equipped us to tell the world of Him.


Meet The Pets!

So, as mentioned in the title, this post is about our family's pets! We have a cat and dog, and I suppose as they're something I obsess over, it's only fitting to write about them on my blog.
                                                                           The Cat;
He's 3 years old, and we've had him since he was like 10 weeks old. We are all in love with him. Quincy has an interesting personality. Basically, he knows what he wants and he knows how to get it. He also has the cutest meow you've ever heard. Sometimes its a cute, "Mew" and other times it's "mrrrrrrrrrrrowwwwww", which we really only heard during the first times he met the dog. You see, we got the dog after Quincy was maybe...two? I don't know the exact dates.
The Dog;
This is a picture of Kaia when we first got her, she was just a wittle puppy then. ISN'T SHE CUTE TOO?! She's a husky-german shepard mix. Her ears are soft and velvety, and she's like the biggest sweetheart EVER. She is kind of destructive in our yard, but other than that she's doing pretty good. (;
I hope you liked this post about my animals...they're my babies.
Have any requests for future posts? Comment!



In a land of myth, and a time of magic, the destiny of a great kingdom rests on the shoulders of a young boy; his name? Merlin..
Dun dunnn dun dundundunnnnn dunnn dundun dunnn dun dun dun dunnnn

That's the beginning of every episode of the BBC show "Merlin".
This show is brilliant, it has amazing actors and is just...awesome.
Me and my family watched this whole show, and loved it. It has good storylines, which are exciting and there's also a lot of humour in it.
The show is based around the King Arthur thing...which is awesome.
I don't have such a long description for this as I did for Doctor Who, but I love it *gasp* maybe even more!
Go watch it! 
